Training Solutions

TRAINING SOLUTIONS helps individuals and teams achieve genuine attitude and behaviour change. CPS offers a range of soft skill training programs that all use a powerful approach of experiential learning to help individuals and teams to discover their potential.
It all starts with a conversation. CPS offers a free consultation to understand the outcomes and behavioural competencies that you want to develop.
Once the ‘why’, ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘where’ are clearly defined, CPS designs and delivers a customised, powerful learning experience, usually within the broader programs below, to meet your specific needs. CPS can also design tailor made Vision & Values workshops to help staff not only engage with, but to live and breath the organisational vision and values.
CPS Training Solutions are intensive programs usually between 1-5 days and can be conducted anywhere, with any level of staff from Graduates to Executive Leadership Teams. All CPS training programs use experiential learning to create powerful experiences, invite reflection, provide input and ensure application so that all participants discover their potential.
The most effective training programs are integrated with follow up CPS Coaching Solutions either 1:1 or as a Team.

Our Experiential Learning Approach
Experiential learning theory draws on the work of prominent 20th century thinkers who gave experience a central role in their theories of human learning and development. David Kolb synthesized the work of these foundational scholars to develop a holistic model of learning.
This video highlights the key features of Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) that CPS integrates into all our training solutions.

CPS has found the power and usefulness of the four stage experiential learning cycle (experiencing, reflecting, thinking, acting).
These stages engages all learning styles (activists, reflectors, theorists, pragmatists) in the learning process.
This approach provides a refreshing alternative to the over-used and ineffective, traditional information transmission model that many training programs emphasise.
CPS training is guaranteed to engage participants in a personal and collective journey to discover their potential.
Success Stories

To find out more, read success stories and testimonials from CPS training.